chiang mai fishing   big game fishing and adventure tour chiang mai












Giant snakehead's mama or parent

The colorful giant snakehead with black-white-green color is a parent. A couple will guard their fries

during their journey

giant snakehead thailand

Giant snakehead's mama

Lure: Deep diving lure

Lake: Kewcohma Lampang

Angler: Suvit ( wit biggame )

Giant snakehead thailand

giant snakehead chiang mai

Giant snakehead's mama

Lure: Deep diving lure

Lake: Kewcohma Lampang Lampang

Angler: Robin


giant snakehead chiang mai northern thailand
giant snake head chiang mai northern thailand

Giant snakehead's mama

Lure: Deep diving lure

Lake: Kewcohma Lampang Lampang

Angler: Namphone

giant snakehead chiang mai northern thailand

giant snakehead thailand

Giant snakehead's mama

Lure: Deep diving lure

Lake: Kewcohma Lampang Lampang

Angler: Andreas

toman wild fishing thailand
wild fishing chiang mai

Giant snakehead's mama

Lure: Deep diving lure

Lake: Kew lom Lampang

Angler: Luke

snake head fish thailand
big size giant snakehead

Giant snakehead's mama

Lure: Deep diving lure

Lake: Kew coh ma Lampang

Angler: ......